Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have to sign anything or stand up if I come for the first time?
No. Please visit, relax, enjoy, mingle, and get a feel of what this community is like. Ushers, elders, and members will be available to offer you information packets at worship, should you so choose. You are invited to visit our welcome area on Sunday mornings to request information, to speak to someone about TLC’s ministries, and to receive a gift as a guest. You can also request more information by completing our worship attendance card or by contacting the church office. We want your visit to be warm and inviting, and above all, an opportunity for you to explore.
What is the attire for your worship services?
Our goal for worship is to spend time in God's Word through song and praise, expressing respect for God's house in all that we say and do. That said, we have no required attire for service. Come as you are prepared to worship!
Who attends this church?
An amazing mix of religious backgrounds, cultures, and life-stages are all represented at TLC. We gather each weekend to explore, grow in, and celebrate the blessing of life through Jesus Christ.
Where is Trinity Lutheran theologically?
Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation that holds to the Bible as the true Word of God, and that is founded upon the Bible as the source and norm of all doctrine and practice. It is a Gospel-focused, Christ-centered church that adheres to the basic tenets of traditional Christianity. The congregation is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and supports the doctrinal teachings of our denomination.
Can I receive communion at TLC?
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod believes the Biblical teaching that in communion we receive the true body and blood of Jesus Christ with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. If you are a baptized Christian who has been instructed in the Biblical teaching of communion, and if you agree with our confession of faith, please feel free to commune with us. If you have any questions, please make an appointment to talk with the pastor.
What's your purpose as a congregation, and what commitments do I need to make if I join?
Our mission, rooted in God's Word, especially as we find it in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18, is as follows:
Trinity Lutheran Church is a community of believers sharing the love of Christ with those yet to know Him as Savior, among those who know Him and desire to grow in Him, through those who seek to serve His name.
As a forgiven child of God, and with sincere intent to strengthen and grow your faith, each member of TLC promises to participate in the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church through the following FAITH foundation:
Fellowship with God - Completing new membership classes and participating in ongoing growth as a follower of Jesus.
Attending Worship - Attending worship services and receiving the Lord's Supper regularly.
Involvement in Ministry - Finding a place to serve God and His people at TLC.
Tithing - Financially supporting the ministry of TLC.​
Honor - Living a Spirit-led life of purity, accountability with others, and witnessing for Christ.
More questions?
Explore our website and feel free to contact us if you would like more information!